
This page features an 'audio essay', a new concept with which we
experimented in our audio production course this year. The aim was to apply
principles drawn from qualitative social research methodology to a
reflective discussion of our experiences of putting together audio
documentaries. At the bottom of the page, there is an explanation of the
relationship between my own approach to the practice of producing audio
documentaries and principles drawn from qualitative social research
methodology. The right hand panel lists concept drawn from social research
that I find of value to my own practice. In the main panel, I present a
series of radio talks reflecting on different aspects of my experience of
producing an audio documentary. Each talk draws on the theoretical concepts that I discuss on the page. By listening to the talks and studying the text, listeners \ readers will hopefully find that theory and practice comes together into a meaningful whole.

My original plan

In my first reflection I discuss my ambitions when I first started out creating the documentary. I talk on how I wanted to structure it as well as the narration style.

The Interviewing Stage

Here I reflect on the interviews conducted during my fieldwork. Ultimately I reflect on the situations where I spoke with Thandiswa. Where she showed two completely different personalities.

From raw material to paper edit

This deals with the most demanding aspect of my paper edit. I had aimed for a very distinct type of narration style, putting this into practice proved to be more difficult than I imagined.

Changing back to Sound

On Bringing the paper edit back into actual sound I realised that I needed to show Thandiswa’s true personality. Here I reflect on the minor details that I purposefully included to mirror Thandiswa’s personality.

My Philosophy


According to Ellis, a documentary “is purposive, it is intended to achieve something in addition to entertaining audiences” (Ellis, 2009:4). A documentary is made up of a series of sound placed together in such a way that it illustrates some sort of overall aim. They are meant to reflect a reality of a certain situation. Nichols illustrates, a “documentary-equals-reality, and that the speakers are a window rather than a reflecting surface.” (Nichols, 1981: 172). In documentaries one needs to achieve the very essence of your subject. I have achieved this through the use of qualitative research. This type of research shuns the positivist idea of social research, but looks at the social contexts of the subject in question. This type of research is not quantifiable it sees the social world through the views of the research subjects; it illustrates a deeper meaning when it comes to these subjects and their certain social situations (Newman, 2001). I held many qualitative interviews which were conducted to “obtain descriptions of the lived world of the interviewees with respect to interpretations of the meaning of the described phenomena.” (Kvale, 1996:29).

Ethongraphy is the type of philosophy that is most useful when it comes to my genre of qualitative research. It is seen as the science of cultural description. Ethnography comes from cultural anthropology and means describing a culture and understanding another way of life from a native point of view (Newman, 2001: 381). The researcher immerses oneself into the culture and understanding of the certain subject that is being interviewed. This was my case with Thandiswa, the teenager who I based my entire documentary on. Ethnographic research is seen as a holistic approach. This illustrates that Not only does the researcher study the culture, but he/she also interprets it as well in the specific context. This is achieved through in depth interviews with the subject about her experiences.

Kvale illustrates a metaphor which looks at the researcher either being a “miner” or “traveller”. In my work I had the characteristics of the traveller metaphor. The traveller illustrates that the interviewer goes on a journey where he tells his story when he returns home. On his travels he is directed and guided by the certain people he converses with. In turn these people provide gateways to other people who will talk on their own experiences (Kvale, 1996). As a researcher I went into my documentary with a naïve light, and only found my story after speaking to a number of subjects, who in turn referred me to more subjects.


Ellis, J. (2009). A new History of Documentary film. The Continuum International publishing Group Ltd.

Kvale, S (1996). InterViews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing. Sage Publications. Newman, L. W., 2001, Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. 3rd edition. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Nueman, M. & Makagon, D. 2009, Recording Culture: audio documentary and the ethnographic experience. SAGE Publication Inc.

About Me

My photo
I am a fourth year radio student studying at Rhodes University in Grahamstown. This blogsite will document my last year of Radio Journalism as a student. My aim is to be as proffesional as possible in this industry, and to take all my academic assignments as seriously as if they were for a corporation. Below will hold various accounts of my experiences, as well as how I feel I will grow as a journalist.


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